Asset and Capital Products

Worthwhile Industries are Capital Projects and SDG Impact Alternatives that create an economically important solution tailored to the needs of growing portfolios in most business sectors internationally

“A rising tide lifts all boats”   –   John F. Kennedy

What % of your portfolio builds new Production?

Production is Strategic because it advances economies, while Wealth Theory and Asset Management are Tactical and collapse economies [1]

Principles for Responsible Investment

United Nations PRI [2]

SDG Scores vs ESG Ratings

Corporate Sustainability Performance [3]

Strategic Private Equity

Worthwhile Industries

Sustainable Supply Chains

Healthcare, Education, Financial Inclusion, Energy, Fuel, Mining, Delivery, Forestry, Steel, Manufacturing, Food

SEED Content  – Zero %, 15%, 50%, and 100%

$152 million to $1.5 billion

Executive Overview  OM

Brochure / Pitch Deck

Tactical Equity Asset Projects

Real Estate Development

Residential Real Estate

Real Estate Development – $150 mm to $1.0b

5-7 years – Interest-based, Profit Sharing, and 18% IRR

Business Plan

Brochure / Pitch Deck

Trending Funds

The Battery Fund

Executive Overview  OM

Brochure / Pitch Deck


Autonomous Delivery – Fund 2.0

Fund 1 Performed 200% per year (since 2017)

Executive Overview  OM

Brochure / Pitch Deck

Treasury Products

Algorithmic Trading Products

  • Precious Metals
  • Currency – FOREX
  • Momentum Focus
  • Major Indexes
  • A.I. Mixed Trading

Executive Overview

Brochure / Pitch Deck

Reach out by email, phone +1 (289) 835-3461, or meeting request for details and brochures

New    Individual Campus Company Investment

SEED Round A 12% Offering CAMPUS $152 million FoodBots $12 million GoodBots $15 mm DotDomo $15 mm PharmaBots $12 mm GroundBots $12 mm MiningBots $15 mm DeliveryBots $12 mm Cirenergy $12 mm RoboticRoads $15 mm BatteryBots $15 mm MEMS $8mm CommBots $15 mm
United States

Worthwhile Private Equity Funds

Private Equity


Business Plans &

Tel: (289) 835-3461




Tel: (905) 905-333-9888

1500, 640 – 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 3G4

Transfer Agent

Funds Transfer

Tel: (289) 835-3461 


5700 – 100 King Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 4H1

Capital Projects

The Largest Network of experienced local people and Strategic Partners

Worthwhile’s private equity network is comprised of offices that roll out globally to 200 countries, making it one of the most geographically diverse and longest legged networks of any private equity investor and secondary network worldwide

Locally owned national companies led by senior professionals with long industry tenures and deep roots in their local market. Each SEED company works with local strategic business partners, academic groups, and is part-owned by local nations

Each finance and company team works to local national industry, accounting, and legal reporting standards with A-tier governance auditing

InvestorTrack is Worthwhile Capital’s performance reporting portal, available to operations, executives, and investors transparently


Mailing Address:

First Canadian Place,
100 King Street West,
Suite 5700, Toronto,
ON. Canada M5X 1C7

Worthwhile Ventures Capital is a subsidiary of Worthwhile Industries Incorporated

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