Executive              Advisory Board of Directors             CAMPUS Executive          Fellows

Our Executive

The Worthwhile Industries International and Worthwhile Ventures Capital Executive Team operate with an oversight and shared-services model which permits smart optimization of Robotics Teams, Operational Teams and our international Investment Managers

Edward M Tilley

CEO Worthwhile Ventures Capital
Chairman, Worthwhile Industries International

Worthwhile’s Chairman is an established manager and Country Builder – with a proven track record who brings the depth of experience and passion needed for the diverse S.O.P. design and implementation challenges required by every Worthwhile Production hub

  • Edward is the author of eight theses on Scientific Finance, Economics & Government Policy – as needed by our organization’s Engineering Lead
  • Canada’s Larry Page and Elon Musk in-one; he has bootstrapped ten hi-tech companies including AirBnB & Zillow (Market Caps $29B & $50B) competitors
  • Edward has not missed a funded target for $100M+ budgets in 20-years in FP-50 organizations delivering billions of dollars in Financial Trading, Commercial and Retail Banking Services annually
  • Edward’s is founder of Transition EconomicsSUSTAIN Project Management Method and Curator of the Global Leadership Book of Knowledge and WAOH – The World’s largest econometric library. Edward’s is a truly unique skillset backed up by research, two-million lines of developed automation code, and 250+ successful hitech business programs in career

These experiences in business, engineering, and finance are uniquely suited to the very diverse needs of our organization’s leading role

Michael Losey

National Chairman, Worthwhile Industries CAMPUS

Appointed with Financial Project Approval

Alan Ellis

SVP Strategic Partners & Joint Ventures

Allan is the Special Honours Mathematician from RHC London University who brings thought leadership to our team alongside his network of  connections to some of the biggest companies and Economic Development leadership teams in the world

Yousef Al Hadbani

SVP Investment Relations & Management – Middle East

Yousef brings 30-years of Investment Banking experience in the Middle-East Region along with his network of connections to some of the brightest companies and leadership globally

Linda Burlson

SVP Marketing

Mariusz Sokolowski

Chief Technologies Officer

Our goto for all matters complex and grand. We ask for the impossible everyday and Mariusz delivers it everytime

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