DeliveryBots are autonomous ride-sharing, logistics, warehouse-loading and delivery systems designed to transport long, short & last mile distances for FoodBots, GoodBots, PharmaBots, Robotic Roads, GroundBots, and others. DeliveryBots express products and people where and when they need to be there with unprecedented cost savings and quality of service, safety, and convenience.
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Deliveries are contracted, customer or App-requested, and our paired warehouse-interfacing picking system technology promises to automate the entire Manufacture-to-Delivery workflow entirely. DeliveryBots make use of warehouse order-processing systems, autonomous vehicles, trucks, robots and drones as needed to deliver to the door or any other point in the logistics chain. DeliveryBots’ products are life-cycle-managed.
DeliveryBots, like other Worthwhile PLC Companies, build communities that anyone can afford. Programs like “No Kid Goes Without…” ensure that kids have beds, that families have a roof, groceries, at the same time that at our solutions are profitable for investors and economies. Our systems are also scalable to meet the needs of communities large-or-small worldwide.
DeliveryBots is what a delivery solution for sustainable societies should look like. Read about WorthWhile Ventures Programs here.

Robotic delivery promises deliveries from hub for as little as a dollar.
“Ok Google / Hello Siri – deliver a new bed to Jimmy’s room at 1:00 pm next Monday; with bedding.“
From as little as $1 per delivery
Maintenance, installation, and end-of-life waste recycling are built right in when combined with other compatible Worthwhile Programs like DotDomo Homes, FoodBots, Robotic Roads, MiningBots, GroundBots, Cirenergy and more.
Contact us for more information or to receive a quote for your next project at