PharmaBots are Precision Medicine genetics-modeled robotic manufacturing and delivery systems for your community’s Top-35 OTC and Generic drug needs. Together with sister company DeliveryBots, PharmaBots offers the industry’s broadest range of manufacture-to-door Pharmaceutical and Beauty line options in the industry.
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Manufacturing features state-of-the-art continuous manufacturing (where ever FDA-Approved) with just-in-time and life-cycle-managed delivery through contracted B2B or B2C eCommerce App-driven with full compliance to important pharmacist oversights and needs of person-to-person service and medical instruction.
PharmaBots is one of the very few millers who build their own robotics, eCommerce, logistics and case management applications. Or Campus approach permits us to move closer to sustainably automating the Manufacture-to-Delivery entirely – reducing cost-of-living and improving quality competitively.
PharmaBots’ socially-responsible Policy, Research and Advisory Teams ensure that everyone in our community can afford the best in health-care.
PharmaBots make use of Precision Medicine order-processing techniques and systems, autonomous delivery as needed to deliver to the door – or to any other point in the hospital, home, and case management chain.
PharmaBots builds abundance, and like all other Worthwhile Companies, PharmaBots build communities that anyone can afford and enjoy. Programs like “No Kid Goes Without…” ensure that kids have beds, access to needed medicines; that families can always afford to have a home, groceries, at the same time that at our solutions are profitable for investors and communities. Our systems are also scalable to meet the needs of communities worldwide.
Robotic manufacturing and delivery promises improved accuracy, and more checkpoints, and delivery for as little as a dollar.
“Ok Google / Hello Siri – deliver a new medication to Ms. Elena at 123 Sustainability Way immediately, at 1 pm next Monday; with repeats.“
From as little as $1 per delivery.
Maintenance, installation, and end-of-life waste-recycling are built right in when combined with other compatible Worthwhile Programs like DotDomo Homes, FoodBots, Robotic Roads, DeliveryBots, GroundBots, Cirenergy, PharmaBots and others.
Contact us for more information or to receive a quote for your next project at